Best HockeyStack alternative

The best HockeyStack alternatives for 2024: Top 8 picks

HockeyStack is a B2B analytics platform focused on revenue attribution and customer journey mapping. But does it truly deliver the value you need for the price? Many users are beginning to question whether features like attribution and sales intelligence are worth the cost.

HockeyStack’s issues with data accuracy and AI insights may already have you considering a more affordable and powerful alternative. But if you’re unsure which tool to switch to and want the best HockeyStack alternative, we’ve compiled a list of options that offer more features, lower prices, and stronger analytics for SaaS businesses.

Let’s take a closer look at why exploring HockeyStack alternatives makes sense.

Why consider HockeyStack alternatives?

While HockeyStack offers a solid set of features, there are several reasons why businesses might look for alternatives:

1. Limited AI insights

HockeyStack lacks advanced AI insights in attribution and funnels, and it doesn’t offer an AI assistant like Maven AI. This can be a significant drawback for businesses that rely on AI-driven decision-making.

2. Data inaccuracies

Inaccuracies in data reporting can hinder your ability to make informed decisions, leading some businesses to seek out more reliable alternatives.

3. High pricing

HockeyStack’s pricing can be too high for what it offers, especially considering the limitations in AI capabilities and data accuracy.

4. Specific industry needs

Some businesses may require analytics tools tailored to their specific industry or business model, which HockeyStack might not fully address.

5. Scalability requirements

As businesses grow, they might need more advanced features or greater data processing capabilities than what HockeyStack currently offers.

6. Advanced attribution models

Companies looking for more sophisticated multi-touch attribution models or AI-powered attribution might seek alternatives.

7. User interface and experience

Some users might prefer a different user interface or reporting style that better suits their team’s workflow.

8. Customer support and training

Businesses may seek platforms that offer more comprehensive customer support or training resources.

9. Data ownership and privacy

Some companies might prefer alternatives that offer different terms regarding data ownership or have specific privacy features.

Looking for powerful HockeyStack alternative - Try Usermaven

Top 8 HockeyStack alternatives

Let’s explore in detail the top 8 alternatives to HockeyStack, examining their key features, ideal use cases, pricing, and limitations.

1. Usermaven


Usermaven is a comprehensive analytics and attribution platform designed primarily for B2B SaaS companies, product managers, and digital marketers. It delivers a full range of website and product analytics tools and features.

Key features

AI-powered insights and recommendations

Usermaven offers a suite of AI-driven features designed to enhance your data analysis and marketing strategies:

  • AI insights in Funnels: Uses artificial intelligence to provide deep insights into funnel performance, helping to optimize each stage for better conversion rates.
  • AI insights in Attribution: Utilizes advanced algorithms to deliver actionable insights into attribution models, aiding in accurate measurement of channel effectiveness.
  • AI insights in Journey analysis: Analyzes user journeys to identify patterns and forecast future behaviors.
  • AI assistant – Maven AI specialist assistant: Provides automated, intelligent recommendations and support for optimizing marketing strategies and product features based on current data trends.
AI funnel insights

Multi-touch Attribution

  • Supports various attribution models including first-touch, last-touch, linear, time-decay, U-shaped, first touch non-direct and last touch non-direct.
  • Offers data-driven attribution categories like channel/source and content attribution.  
  • Provides conversion path with percentages and time to convert. 
Multi touch attribution

Customer Journey analysis

  • Creates detailed, interactive visualizations of the customer journey across multiple channels.
  • Identifies key touchpoints and conversion paths.
  • Allows for the segmentation of journeys based on various criteria.

Revenue analytics

Conversion goals

User behavior analysis

  • Provides detailed event tracking and user segmentation capabilities.
  • Offers funnel analysis to identify drop-off points in the user journey.
  • Trends is a powerful tool that allows you to track the performance of your product and website over time. Whether you’re launching a new feature or redesigning your site, you can create a trend to monitor key metrics, analyze user behavior, and make data-driven decisions.
Trends in Usermaven

Integration capabilities

  • Effortlessly integrates with popular platforms like Shopify and WordPress, enhancing functionality and user experience.

Website and product analytics

  • Link website traffic with product usage for a complete customer view.
Website & product analytics tool

Multi-site monitoring

  • Track user behavior and performance across all your sites.

Usermaven prioritizes privacy

  • Offers cookieless tracking to protect user privacy.
  • Utilize custom domains to overcome ad-blockers.
Usermaven privacy

Best for

  • Digital marketers who want better campaign insights.  
  • Product managers who want to improve user experiences.  
  • E-commerce businesses looking to increase conversions.  
  • SaaS companies tracking user engagement and retention.  
  • Businesses that prioritize user privacy in their analytics.


Usermaven provides a comprehensive set of features that far exceed those offered by HockeyStack, all at significantly lower prices.


2. Dreamdata


Dreamdata specializes in B2B revenue attribution and analytics, focusing on providing a comprehensive view of the B2B customer journey.

Key features

  • Account-based attribution: Tracks revenue and marketing effectiveness for B2B sales cycles and account types.
  • Revenue analytics: Links revenue to marketing activities analyzes ROI, and forecasts future revenue.
  • Customer journey visualization: Maps out the B2B buyer’s journey, identifies key touchpoints, and analyzes successful paths.
  • Integration with CRM and marketing tools: Seamlessly connects with CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot, and various marketing tools for a unified data view.
  • Lead-to-account matching: Matches leads to accounts for accurate attribution and a complete view of engagement.

Best for

B2B companies focused on account-based marketing and sales, especially those with complex, multi-touch sales cycles and multiple decision-makers within target accounts.


Starts at $999/year. Custom pricing for enterprise plans based on the number of tracked accounts and required features.


  • Only for B2B: Primarily focused on B2B, may not be ideal for B2C businesses or those with simpler sales cycles.
  • Complicated: The depth of B2B-specific features may be unnecessary for companies with straightforward sales processes.
  • High price: Higher starting price point may be prohibitive for smaller businesses or startups.

3. offers AI-powered marketing analytics and attribution, focusing on providing actionable insights for data-driven marketers.

Key features

  • Multi-touch attribution: Supports various models like first-touch and last-touch, with AI-driven custom options and visual data representation.
  • Performance forecasting: Predicts future marketing performance using machine learning, offers scenario planning, and provides confidence intervals.
  • Campaign optimization: Analyzes performance across channels, offers AI recommendations for spend and targeting, and includes A/B testing.
  • Custom dashboards: Creates highly customizable dashboards with a drag-and-drop interface, real-time updates, and interactive visualizations.
  • Automated insights: Uses AI to highlight trends and opportunities, provides natural language explanations, and offers predictive insights.

Best for

Data-driven marketers looking for actionable insights, especially those managing complex, multi-channel marketing strategies.


Custom pricing based on business size and needs. Typically offers tiered pricing based on data volume and feature requirements. Paid plan starts from $399/month. 


  • Steep onboarding: Some users report a steep initial setup process, which may require dedicated resources.
  • Difficult: The depth of AI-driven insights may be overwhelming for users not well-versed in data analysis.
  • Pricing: Custom pricing model may make it difficult to compare costs with other solutions without a detailed consultation.

4. Adobe Marketo Measure (Bizible)

Adobe Marketo Measure

Adobe Marketo Measure marketing attribution solution from Adobe, formerly known as Bizible, now integrated into the Adobe Experience Cloud ecosystem.

Key features

  • Multi-touch attribution: Includes models like first-touch, last-touch, U-shaped, W-shaped, and custom, covering the entire customer journey and both online and offline touchpoints.
  • Revenue planning: Helps allocate marketing budgets, forecast future revenue, and plan scenarios to optimize spend.
  • Funnel analytics: Analyzes marketing and sales funnels, tracks conversion rates, and segments data by criteria such as channel or campaign.
  • Account-based marketing (ABM) capabilities: Provides account-level attribution, insights into account engagement, and lead-to-account matching.
  • Customizable reporting: Offers pre-built and custom reports, interactive dashboards, and automated report generation.

Best for

Enterprise-level businesses already using Adobe products or those looking for a comprehensive, scalable attribution solution.


Custom pricing, typically on the higher end for enterprise solutions. Pricing is usually based on factors such as marketing spend, number of tracked touchpoints, and required features.


  • Complex: Can be complex and may require dedicated resources to manage effectively.
  • Pricing: Higher price point may be prohibitive for smaller businesses or those with limited budgets.
  • Dependency on other Adobe products: Full value may only be realized when used in conjunction with other Adobe products, which could increase overall costs.

5. Ruler Analytics

Ruler Analytics

Ruler Analytics focuses on connecting marketing data to sales revenue, providing closed-loop attribution for businesses of various sizes.

Key features

  • Closed-loop attribution: Tracks customer journeys from first touch to sale with various models and revenue attribution by keyword, campaign, and channel.
  • Lead tracking: Captures lead data across touchpoints, integrates with CRM systems, and provides reports on lead quality.
  • Custom reporting: Provides customizable reports, real-time dashboards, and automated report generation.
  • Offline conversion tracking: Tracks offline conversions such as phone calls and in-store visits, attributing them to online marketing efforts.
  • Integration capabilities: Integrates with CRM systems, marketing platforms, and analytics tools, with API access for custom integrations.

Best for

Businesses looking to bridge the gap between marketing activities and revenue generation, especially those with significant offline conversions or phone-based sales.


Starts at £179/month, with custom pricing for larger businesses. Pricing typically scales based on the number of tracked visits and calls.


  • Customization issue: Some users report limitations in customization options for more complex attribution scenarios.
  • Nonessential features: The focus on call tracking may be less relevant for businesses that primarily convert online.
  • Lack essential features: While suitable for many businesses, it may lack some of the advanced features offered by enterprise-level solutions.

6. CaliberMind

Caliber Mind

CaliberMind offers B2B marketing analytics and attribution with a strong focus on data unification and advanced analytics.

Key features

  • Multi-touch attribution: Supports attribution models like first-touch and last-touch, provides account-based attribution, and offers visual customer journey mapping.
  • Account-based analytics: Tracks account-level engagement, provides insights into account penetration and committee engagement, and supports lead-to-account matching.
  • Predictive modeling: Uses machine learning to predict customer behavior, scores leads and accounts, and forecasts revenue based on historical data.
  • Advanced reporting and visualization: Provides customizable dashboards and reports, interactive data visualization tools, and automated report generation.

Best for

B2B companies dealing with complex, multi-channel marketing strategies, especially those struggling with data silos and needing advanced analytics capabilities.


Custom pricing based on business needs, typically factoring in data volume, number of integrations, and required features.


  • Limited specialization: Primarily focused on B2B, may not be suitable for B2C companies.
  • Complex features: The depth of features may be overwhelming for smaller businesses or those with simpler marketing strategies.
  • Unclear pricing: Custom pricing model may make it difficult to estimate costs without a detailed consultation.

7. Full Circle Insights

Full circle

Full Circle Insights provides marketing performance measurement solutions that work natively within Salesforce, offering deep integration for Salesforce-centric organizations.

Key features

  • Multi-touch attribution: Supports attribution models such as first-touch, last-touch, even distribution, and custom weighted models. Includes campaign influence reporting and covers both online and offline touchpoints.
  • Campaign performance tracking: Measures marketing campaign performance in Salesforce, provides detailed ROI analysis, and includes tools for benchmarking against historical data.
  • Funnel metrics: Analyzes the funnel from lead to revenue, provides insights into conversion rates, and allows segmentation by criteria like product or campaign.
  • Response management: Tracks responses to marketing campaigns in Salesforce, automates lead matching and de-duplication, and offers insights into response rates and quality.
  • Advanced analytics and reporting: Features pre-built reports and dashboards, custom report builders, and data visualization tools.

Best for

Salesforce users looking for deep marketing insights within their CRM, especially B2B companies with complex sales cycles.


Custom pricing based on Salesforce edition and business needs. Typically priced as a per-user, per-month model.


  • Requires Salesforce: Which may not be suitable for all businesses.
  • Limited to only Salesforce: The deep integration with Salesforce, while beneficial for some, may be limiting for companies using multiple CRM systems.
  • Learning curve: May have a steeper learning curve for users not already familiar with Salesforce reporting.

8. Attribution App

Attrubution app

Attribution App is a marketing attribution platform designed to help businesses understand the true impact of their marketing efforts across multiple channels.

Key features

  • Multi-touch attribution: Supports various attribution models, real-time data, and both online/offline touchpoints.
  • Customer journey visualization: Visualizes customer journeys, highlights key touchpoints, and offers interactive maps.
  • Cross-channel analytics: Analyzes performance across channels, offers insights into effectiveness, and suggests optimization.
  • Custom dashboards and reporting: Customizable dashboards, automated reports, and shareable reports for team collaboration.
  • Integration capabilities: Integrates with marketing platforms and CRM systems, with API access and data import support.

Best for

Businesses of all sizes looking for a dedicated attribution solution, especially those with multi-channel marketing strategies and a need for detailed insights into marketing effectiveness.


Offers tiered pricing based on tracked monthly visitors, starting from a basic plan for smaller businesses to enterprise solutions for larger organizations. Custom pricing is available for specific needs.


  • Limited features: While comprehensive, it may not offer the same depth of product analytics as some all-in-one solutions.
  • Steep learning curve: The learning curve might be steeper for users new to advanced attribution concepts.
  • Only premium features: Some advanced features may only be available in higher-priced tiers.

Comparison between HockeyStack alternatives

When comparing these alternatives, it’s clear that Usermaven stands out as the superior choice for businesses seeking a comprehensive and powerful HockeyStack alternative. Consider the following factors:

  1. Ease of use
    • While Ruler Analytics prioritizes user-friendliness, Usermaven strikes an optimal balance between powerful features and intuitive design.
    • Usermaven’s interface is more accessible than complex solutions like Adobe Marketo Measure or Full Circle Insights, making it suitable for teams of all skill levels.
  1. Depth of insights
    • Usermaven leads the pack with its advanced AI-driven insights, offering unparalleled depth and accuracy crucial for data-driven organizations.
    • While Dreamdata and CaliberMind provide B2B-specific insights, Usermaven’s versatility allows it to deliver valuable insights for both B2B and B2C models.
  1. Integration capabilities
    • Usermaven offers the most comprehensive range of third-party integrations, surpassing even specialized tools like Full Circle Insights (Salesforce) and Adobe Marketo Measure (Adobe ecosystem).
    • This extensive integration capability makes Usermaven the most versatile and adaptable solution in the market.
  1. Pricing
    • Usermaven offers competitive pricing with transparent options, providing superior value compared to enterprise-level offerings like Adobe Marketo Measure.
    • Unlike some competitors that require custom quotes, Usermaven’s pricing structure is clear and scalable.
  1. B2B vs. B2C focus
    • Usermaven excels in both B2B and B2C models, offering a level of versatility unmatched by B2B-specific tools like Dreamdata or CaliberMind.
    • This dual capability makes Usermaven ideal for businesses with diverse or evolving customer bases.
  1. Scalability
    • Usermaven’s AI-powered features offer excellent scalability, rivaling enterprise solutions like Adobe Marketo Measure and Full Circle Insights.
  1. Customization
    • Usermaven offers a high degree of customization in its attribution models and reporting, comparable to specialized tools like CaliberMind and
    • Unlike more rigid systems, Usermaven’s flexibility allows businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs without sacrificing ease of use.

Usermaven emerges as the best HockeyStack alternative, offering an unparalleled combination of powerful features, user-friendliness, versatility, and scalability. 

Why Usermaven stands out?

Among these alternatives, Usermaven stands out for several reasons:

  1. Advanced AI insights: Usermaven’s AI-powered recommendations provide deeper, more actionable insights compared to many competitors, rivaling even enterprise solutions.
  2. Comprehensive solution: It offers a full suite of tools for analytics, attribution, and customer journey mapping in one platform, reducing the need for multiple tools.
  3. Flexibility: While optimized for B2B SaaS, Usermaven’s features can be adapted to various business models, making it versatile for different types of companies.
  4. User-centric design: Despite its advanced capabilities, Usermaven maintains a focus on user-friendliness, striking a balance between power and ease of use.
  5. Continuous innovation: Usermaven consistently updates its platform with new features and improvements based on user feedback and market trends, ensuring it stays at the forefront of marketing analytics technology.
  6. Scalability: The platform is designed to grow with your business, offering features suitable for startups to enterprise-level companies.
  7. Customer support: Usermaven is known for its responsive customer support and onboarding process, helping users maximize the value of the platform.


When choosing an alternative, consider your specific requirements, budget, existing tech stack, and future scalability needs. It’s also worth taking advantage of free trials or demos when available to get a hands-on feel for the platforms that interest you most.

Remember, the best tool is the one that fits seamlessly into your workflow, provides the insights you need to make data-driven decisions, and ultimately helps drive your business growth.

Want to track revenue attribution and customer journeys with ease- Try Usermaven


1. Why should I consider alternatives to HockeyStack? 

You might want to explore HockeyStack alternatives due to limitations in AI insights, data inaccuracies, high pricing, specific industry needs, scalability requirements, or a desire for more advanced attribution models.

2. What is the top alternative to HockeyStack according to this article? 

Usermaven stands out as the best alternative to HockeyStack, offering a comprehensive set of features, AI-powered insights, and competitive pricing.

3. Which alternative offers the best AI-powered insights? 

Usermaven offers advanced AI-powered insights, including AI insights in funnels, attribution, and journey analysis, as well as an AI assistant called Maven AI.

4. Can I find an alternative that offers both website and product analytics? 

Yes, Usermaven is mentioned as offering both website and product analytics, allowing you to link website traffic with product usage for a complete customer view.


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