Category: Latest

  • How to Set Revenue Goals for Your SaaS Business

    How to Set Revenue Goals for Your SaaS Business

    The SaaS industry will continue to grow as more and more businesses adopt SaaS solutions to perform various business functions. They also empower consumers because of their accessibility, affordability, user-friendliness, and value delivery. Due to this, the SaaS market is estimated to be worth approximately $197 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach $232…

  • Lean Product Development: Definition, Stages, Benefits, and more

    Lean Product Development: Definition, Stages, Benefits, and more

    Did you know 70% of projects fail in the product development stage? And only 6% of companies have well-defined innovation and product development processes. These statistics highlight the importance of robust product development to ensure a successful product launch. This article walks you through lean product development, a streamlined process based on the principles of…

  • The Ultimate Guide To Data Segmentation For SaaS Businesses

    The Ultimate Guide To Data Segmentation For SaaS Businesses

    Is your SaaS operating with the mindset that all your customers have the same needs, backgrounds, and challenges your product solves? Then it’s time you debunk this naive assumption, realize the power of segmentation, and leverage it to communicate with your customers effectively. Not all your customers use your product the same way or have…

  • The Power of Buyer Awareness

    The Power of Buyer Awareness

    Have you ever wondered what makes a customer purchase any product? Is it a need or a desire? How do they go from indifference to being convinced to become your customer? Converting a prospect into a customer involves multiple stages. Consumers evaluate if a product meets their needs or wants before purchasing. Businesses do not…

  • Your Complete Guide On Calculating SaaS LTV

    Your Complete Guide On Calculating SaaS LTV

    Is your attention fixated on acquiring new customers while your existing customers are slipping away? You need to focus on retaining your current customers and getting value from them by building strong customer relations. The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while your chances of selling to new customers are 5-20%. Customer…

  • 6 Product Development Best Practices To Set You Up For Success

    6 Product Development Best Practices To Set You Up For Success

    New products enter the market daily, but over 90% are expected to fail in the next five years. Companies allocate millions of dollars in budgets and invest endless hours to bring new products to the market. But it takes more than that to create a product that provides value to both the creator and the…

  • A 360 Guide on Building a Customer Acquisition Funnel

    A 360 Guide on Building a Customer Acquisition Funnel

    Acquiring new customers is 5 times more expensive than retaining existing customers. So, while a good acquisition funnel is focused on getting new customers, a great one is focused on getting new customers AND retaining the existing ones. Businesses utilize the customer acquisition funnel to attract new customers while actively nurturing existing ones. Which is…

  • Decode The Science Behind SaaS Pricing Models

    Decode The Science Behind SaaS Pricing Models

    As the SaaS industry continues to evolve and become more competitive, businesses face the challenge of differentiating themselves from their competitors and standing out in the market. While growth through product differentiation and acquisition is certainly a viable strategy, monetization plays a critical role in the success of any SaaS business. Optimizing your strategy allows…

  • GA4 vs. Universal Analytics + An even better Alternative

    GA4 vs. Universal Analytics + An even better Alternative

    Google Analytics has long been running the data analytics show for businesses and website owners looking to gain insights into their online presence with Universal Analytics (UA). However, UA is about to retire while being replaced by GA4. This article will explore the key differences between UA and GA4 and whether businesses should consider switching…

  • 7 SaaS Product Launch Stages with Usermaven's Case Study

    7 SaaS Product Launch Stages with Usermaven's Case Study

    Are you about to launch a new Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product and feeling overwhelmed with where to start? You’re not alone. Many SaaS companies struggle with the product launch process, as it involves multiple stages, each with unique challenges. There’s much to consider, from creating a product vision to beta testing and marketing strategy. In this…